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How to Protect Your Business Online

A man wearing a light blue button-up shirt types on a computer while holding a clipboard in a warehouse setting

Internet and computer-based tools give companies the power and freedom to work more efficiently and from anywhere. With these evolving capabilities come personal and professional obligations. Every business has a responsibility to protect its network and assets from bad actors and outside threats.

Some common threats include malicious software, viruses, ransomware, and phishing. These attacks are intended to destroy, take over, and steal sensitive information, usually for economic gain. While cyber-attacks are on the rise, you can take action to keep your company safe.

You can empower your business with technology while securing your digital network. Below are a few security tips that can help your business stay safer online.

1. Train your employees on spam, phishing scams, and general cyber threats. In addition, ask your employees to stay proactive by setting strong passwords and updating them often.

2. Keep your computers clean by updating the software and operating systems regularly. A virtual private network, VPN, is another safety feature that can keep your internet connection private, encrypt data, and disguise your IP address.

3. Back up your electronic files with external hard drives, cloud-based storage, or hard copies. This is a proactive step that can be useful if a security breach freezes or deletes your files. Having a secured backup means you can access your information during an emergency.

4. Control and limit access to employees. Your company can create a tiered entry system so employees have access only to their projects instead of the entire company’s network.

Additional resources

  • For more cybersecurity resources for small businesses, visit the FCC’s website.
  • You can learn more about the cost of attacks and similar statistics here.

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Yoakum National Bank has been a trusted financial partner since 1890. We understand owning and operating a small business is both a challenge and a reward. We are proud to support small businesses and are here whenever you need us. Contact us when you’re ready to get in touch.

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